TRC Owners' and Trainers' Licenses To
Become Available Online in 2004 Pursuant to Senate Bill 1152,
the Texas Racing Commission (TRC) is now included among the agencies that
can accept license applications through the Texas Online portal. When
fully implemented, this would mean that most owners or trainers will be
able to apply for new licenses or request renewals via the Internet.
Currently, the TRC accepts license applications for owners and trainers
by mail, but this new option will offer more convenience for some of these
individuals. The commission issued over 4,000 owners’ licenses and
over 1,400 licenses to trainers or assistant trainers in fiscal year 2003.
However, only about 13% of the applications were received by mail, and
the rest were received at a racetrack.
In accordance with state law, the Texas Department of Information Resources
(TDIR), which oversees the Texas Online Division, must assess a charge
for making this option available online. The fee can range from $2 to
$5 dollars, depending on the actual expense to the state, and will be
assessed to all licensees eligible to apply online, regardless of whether
they choose to actually use the computer for the license application.
The Texas Horsemen's Partnership (THP) and the TRC have been working
together to implement this change with the TDIR and keep the fees at a
minimum. In early discussions with the TDIR, it appears that the fee will
be $2 per application, and the service is expected to become available
by mid-year 2004.
The THP and TRC have also been working to seek exemptions for the grooms
and certain other types of licensees that would never be likely to use
the online option. This will help these licensees avoid an unnecessary
fee increase. TDIR is expected to determine which license types will be
exempt from online licensing and the exact amount of the online fee by
the end of December.
Once this service is available to horsemen, the THP will send out a notification
to all our members advising them of how to take advantage of the new process.