Governor Appoints New Racing Commissioner
Governor Rick Perry has made an announcement that he is appointing
Dr. G. Kent Carter of College Station, Texas to the Texas Racing Commission
(TRC). Dr. Carter is being appointed to the new position that was created
by the legislature during the regular session last year. The Texas Racing
Act was amended, and the Commission was expanded to provide for seven
appointed commissioners, all of which have a six-year term.
Dr. G. Kent Carter received his DVM from Colorado State University in
1979. After graduation, Dr. Carter joined a mixed animal practice in Reno,
Nevada. He then completed his residency in internal medicine and received
a master of science degree from Texas A&M University.
Dr. Carter was an assistant professor at Purdue University from 1982-1984.
He joined the faculty of the department of large animal medicine and surgery
at Texas A&M in 1984 and became section chief of internal medicine
in 1991. In 1994, he started an outpatient lameness service. He is currently
a professor and Chief of Medicine with a special interest in equine lameness.