Sign-Up for AMBER Alert Plan to Protect
Children Set for Retama Park on September 27 The Texas Horsemen's
Partnership (THP) recognizes the significance of the AMBER Alert Plan
(America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) and how important
it is to our Texas horsemen and women's children. On Saturday, September
27, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the THP, along with the City of Selma
Police Department, will be conducting an AMBER Alert sign up program at
Retama Park. All horsemen and women's children are encouraged to come
and participate. We encourage all parents to plan on bringing their children
for the sign up.
The sign up is free to those who participate. A Child Identification
Kit will be completed on each child, which contains crucial and vital
information on each child, plus the child’s fingerprints and a DNA
hair sample. The parents will be given the completed kit on each of their
children for safe keeping in the event their child is ever missing.
Every year, there are over 800,000 missing children nationwide. With
these types of statistics, the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (NCMEC) launched the AMBER Plan, or America's Missing: Broadcast
Emergency Response, nationwide. The goal of the AMBER Plan is to assist
cities and towns across the United States with creating their own emergency
alert plan.